Our Leeds showroom is home to a vast library of wallpapers from around the world. Featuring the most current brands & designers available. Our team have a knowledge of both style and product to help find you the perfect paper. Whether its a hand crafted specialist paper or a durable vinyl, we’re confident you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for.
What wallpapers do we supply?
You’ll find designer brands such as Arte, Cole & Son, Designers Guild, Black Edition, William Morris, Zoffany, Anthology & more.
Constantly updating our library, you’ll find the most up to date collections all available to browse in a relaxed atmosphere.
Our range of specialist wallpapers also include papers that are perfect for bathrooms, kitchens & high traffic areas. Durable papers have come a long way in the last few years and we’d like to think we’ve got the best selection around.

Above is just a tiny selection of the designer wallpapers we have on display in our Leeds showroom. We have hundreds of pattern books to suit various styles & budgets. We invite you to come browse our books and find the wallpaper you’re looking for. Our team are also on hand to offer some great advice and ideas.. your dream wallpaper is waiting for you.
You can also view our portfolio to see how we’ve used some beautiful wallpapers in our interior projects, its a great place to be inspired.
Got any questions about what brands we stock, or just need some more information? Give us a call..